Custom Documents

Custom Documents

U.S. Customs Forms

The following U.S. Customs forms are available for you to view and download in a PDF format. They can be viewed and printed by clicking on the item you would like to view. Please find instructions for the completion of these forms below the title of the respective U.S. Customs Forms:

Please use the following links to Direct you to the necessary form:

Declaration for Free Entry of Unaccompanied Personal Effects and Household Effects – U.S. Customs Form 3299


Please note the meaning of certain words used in the form:

Importer: Yourself
Resident: American Citizen
Non-Resident: Any citizen from a country other than the U.S.
Household Goods: Furniture & household goods with the exception of personal effects
Personal Effects: Clothing, jewelry, photographic equipment, tape recorders, stereo component, vehicles, etc.

The Declaration is divided into seven parts; some are to be left blank according to the following instructions:

I. Box numbers 1 to 7 must be completed.

Box 1: Your name
Box 2: Your date of birth
Box 3: Date of arrival in the U.S. (Remember, your U.S. Customs Form 3299 is not valid until your arrival in the U.S. Plan your arrival to coincide with the arrival of your shipment).
Box 4: U.S. address and / or contact phone number.
Box 5: Name of airport where you cleared customs in the U.S.
Box 6: Name of airline where you cleared customs in the U.S.
Box 7: First names of accompanying household members and relation to you.
Box 8: Leave Blank

II. Box 9: “X” the appropriate box and fill in A and B.
Box 9c: “X” one
Box 10: Leave Blank

*** If you are a resident of the U.S., enter your social security number, passport number and date of birth
*** If you are a non-resident of the U.S., indicate your passport number, visa number, and type of visa you are entering the U.S. on.

III. Leave Blank

IV. Leave Blank

V. Leave Blank

VI. “X” Importer. Sign your name with today’s date

VII. Leave Blank

Supplemental Declaration for Unaccompanied Personal Effects and Household Effects


Numbers 1 through 9 and 12 through 16 must be completed by you and should be self-explanatory.

Numbers 10 and 11 – Leave Blank

Number 17 – Circle: Importer
(Section will be filled out by the broker or authorized agent)

Number 18 – Your signature

Note: This form must be completed along with the Customs Form 3299

Customs Power of Attorney

A completed and signed Power of Attorney form must accompany the 3299 in order to clear your shipments(s) through U.S. Customs. This form is presented along with the supplemental declaration and passport copies. Sign your full name as it appears on your passport and date the form.

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