


Key Officers of Foreign Service Posts: Guide for Business Representatives has names of key officers and addresses for U.S. embassies, consulates, and missions abroad.
Your Trip Abroad contains helpful tips on obtaining a passport, things to consider in preparing for your overseas trip, other resources for travel and customs information. To obtain a copy, contact the GPO for price and availability.
Travel Tips for Older Americans provides general information on passports, visas, health, currency, and other travel tidbits for elderly U.S. citizens planning to travel overseas. Copies are available from the Internet at or by Consular Affairs automated fax at (202) 647-3000.
A Safe Trip Abroad contains helpful precautions to minimize the chance of becoming a victim of terrorism and also provides other safety tips for Americans traveling overseas. To obtain a copy, contact the GPO for price and availability.
Crisis Abroad–What the State Department Does summarizes the work by the State Department during a crisis and its efforts to obtain reliable information from local authorities abroad for concerned relatives and friends of Americans located in the disaster area. Copies are free by sending a stamped, self-addressed business-size envelope (SASE) to CA/P, Room 6831, Department of State, Washington, D.C. 20520-4818.
The booklet Office of Overseas Citizens Services contains information about the assistance that the office provides in four major categories: deaths, arrests, welfare/whereabouts inquiries, and financial-medical emergencies. The booklet is free by sending a SASE to CA/P at the address above.